Scott Roley's Blog

A New Year A New Day

Welcome friends,

This weekend we are all preparing for one of the most memorable two days in recent U.S. history.  On Monday the nation will stop and celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.  His actual birthday is January fifteenth.  The Monday after the fifteenth is the official holiday and this year that Monday settles down nicely next to January twentieth, which every four years becomes inauguration day. 

Football, music and more

Family, friends and community,

Thank you all for the comments.  I actually can type, slowly.  However, I do miss writing with James.  He is a dear friend and we see each other at Church and on the golf course.  He is married to his wonderful Stacy and they have two beautiful kids, Harrison and Sophia.

Forty Years of Faith

Good morning friends,

I want to thank all of you for responding to the new site. Dan Wensley is a dear friend and brother and has dedicated tons of time and energy to make this work. I am grateful. I am also responding to his challenge. Anyone who really knows me understands my inability to type and function on a keyboard. Dan's taunting was cruel, like saying "look here," to a blind person. So, Dan, here I am, nearsighted, up on the high wire.

Scott's Blog

I thought about creating a link up there between About Scott and Discography called "Scott's Blog", and then tricking everyone who clicked on it with a popup that said "Not!". I asked Scott about writing a blog once. He said something I couldn't quite make out, chuckled a little to himself, and said one word, "Blog", and walked away.


When Scott mentioned the need to respond to requests for music, a website seemed like a good solution. I thought it might be interesting to share some history and he agreed to let me go rummaging through his attic. As it turns out, Scott saves everything. For days we sorted through an immense archive of posters, receipts, letters, photographs, LP's, cassettes, and videos - gathering up memories. Some of what we found is here, there is much more that is not.
