As I write this, my heart is overflowing with joy and great anticipation because of the things that have occurred and the events yet to come. In June, The Franklin Table came under the umbrella of Ken Turner Ministries ( as a fully operating 501(c)(3). What a blessing this has been and I thank the Lord daily for the privilege to serve in full time ministry as the executive director of TFT.
I have always felt my call was to seek reconciliation, care for the poor, be an advocate for the orphan, and relocate to touch those within my reach. TFT is the vehicle that allows me to do just that in Franklin, TN. However, this fall, TFT will also become the sponsor for a conference called "Within My Reach." This will give me, and others, the opportunity to teach from Mark's Gospel about loving God and loving our neighbor, which is truly the foundation of this ministry.
For the past two years, I have had the honor of teaching The Biblical Imagination Conference with Michael Card. Michael is an incredible teacher of God's Word and continually challenges me as a brother in Christ. It has always been our desire to not only teach The Gospel, but to make application of it as well. We are so excited to see the Within My Reach Conference as being the culmination of applying what we have learned through our study of The Gospels.
As a Pastor to the City, I have consistently come to you to request help for TFT and other non-profits. Today I am asking for support on behalf of The Table. I know without The Body of Christ The Franklin Table would not exist and I am so thankful to those who have given so sacrificially. The needs are great and in order for us to move forward with these plans, we are asking God to provide us with monthly supporters as well as those that can give a one time donation. Please prayerfully consider joining us as a ministry partner. The Franklin Table is recognized by the IRS as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible. Our website is still a work in progress, but there is an opportunity to donate online at: Please visit the site and contact us with any of your thoughts, needs, or prayer requests. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Deep Love,