A Continued Call to Prayer

I have recently taken some time to get away and evaluate the call to prayer we’ve undertaken since Ash Wednesday. As you know at that time I clearly felt the Lord wanted us to lift up to Him prayers concerning the direction of the Church, asking Jesus what He wanted us to pray for Him to accomplish. I can say without a doubt we are at a wonderful cross roads as God has led us in answering our prayers. The fresh vision statement and potential re-organization of our leadership around that vision is beginning to produce tangible results. Out of natural confusion has come some clarity. We are a Church that has been engaged by God in Transforming Lives to Worship, Care and Serve… To God be the Glory!

The crossroads I’ve spoke about has to do with determination and vigilance in staying on course. We cannot afford to leave the path the Lord is leading us down. It is prayer and more prayer to the Object of our prayer, the wonderful Lord Jesus, that is driving our direction. Remember we are going and doing all of this With Jesus, not simply For Jesus! Our marvelous Biblical Theology produces a clear Doxology which Glorifies God as we enjoy Him forever.

I recently gave a presentation to our Deacons concerning the process of ministry here at C3. The meeting was held on a weekend early in the morning. The five Elders who represent the Session and have put countless hours into this process, arrived an hour early to simply pray for the meeting. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to walk into the Church and find my brothers in a dark room praying for all that Jesus is doing among us. Be encouraged and hopeful as you continue to pray one hour a week for Christ’s Church… He is on the move!

To Worship, Care and Serve
