Lenten Season Call to Prayer entry five

My prayer time this week has been full of letting go.  As I meditate and keep praying through the Lord’s Prayer, I am convinced He intends His children to simply trust Him.  That sounds so cliché.  Of course we ‘trust in God’ it says so on our money; it is Christianity 101, we trust Christ for our eternal life and know that “believing faith” is the only way to live an abundant life here on earth as well. 

This week as I have asked God by faith for my ‘daily bread’ it occurred to me that I am asking for tomorrow’s bread today.  That simple petition has profound impact if we let it soak in.  We are not in control of tomorrow.  We cannot demand one thing from God.  Our best asking comes with the real faith needed to say “not my will but Yours be done.  Lord, if it is pleasing to you let me live out today as you planned it from the foundations of time.”  My tendencies are to say: “Lord, let me live the way I want to.  Oh yeah and by the way I need lots of bread.”

As the Pastor of C3, and in my resolve to call us to Lenten fasting and praying, I have come to realize my vision for us to be the “Repairers of Broken Walls and Restorers of Streets with Dwellings” completely misses the point.  Jesus and Jesus alone does the repair work and restoration of the broken and down hearted and it is His job not mine (or ours) to build back what was blown away.  I forget that and often run after my own view of where we are going and how long it should take to get there.  Please forgive your old foolish pastor who needs to renew his gospel lens prescription.  I don’t always see so clearly. 

I am encouraged by the staff and lay leadership of our congregation and for each of you as you continue to invite Jesus by faith to lead you and yours.  Let’s keep telling the story of Jesus and His love until the whole world knows, according to His time and by His will.