Lenten Season Call to Prayer

Dear Family of Faith,

It is sunrise on Maundy Thursday morning.  A day named from the Latin word for Mandate.  The context was Jesus’ command or Mandate to His disciples that they “Love one another.”  He delivered this short but perfect sermon as He was washing their feet and serving them their first communion.  It was the Thursday before His arrest and crucifixion on Friday.  My prayer time this Holy Week or Passion Week has been in light of that command.  To love each other is to be a consistent reminder to all around us that the Gospel is true.  Jesus was glad to die for His people.  He also had to die for us.  Our sins required a death penalty and Jesus paid it with His life fueled by His unending love.  He went to the cross to die for you and me.  He rose from the dead to bring us life abundant and eternal.  When we, by faith in Him, share that truth with the world in both our words and actions we are loving like Jesus loves.  We are fulfilling His Mandate!

I am also reminded through my prayer time that the Gospel comes to us by God’s Word.  The Bible is where we learn the Gospel and God’s Holy Spirit teaches it to us by hiding it in our hearts so that when we get up each day or lay down each night, it is the constant power to face the circumstances of our lives.  Good and bad situations are both in need of Gospel understanding and belief.  This faith is made strong by our continual and intentional praying through the Scriptures relying on the Spirit of Christ to teach us the Good News.  Not one thing can stop this process because it is the unrelenting grip of God that holds us.

My hope is that after this Easter’s celebration, we will continue our “one hour of prayer a week” investing in many of the callings the Lord has entrusted to us.  We have been “given much” therefore, we know “much is required.”   Not for meriting anything from God, but simply because He has freed us from the waterless pit!  My hope is to keep writing you about what I am learning through my hour of prayer knowing that you will be sharing your insights with me and others as well.

Have a blessed Resurrection Day as we prepare for more Kingdom work through this coming season.

Deep love,
