A Call To Prayer: As we enter the summer and the temperatures soar...

I am reminded in prayer how quickly our lives change direction. We are in the midst of a millennial flood one moment and in excruciating drought the next. As we continue to pray for the Church’s direction, it is clear our vision is becoming more focused. Like all institutions C3 is facing some critical financial challenges which have driven the leadership to take a deep look at the foundational values of our ministries that have stood for twenty-four years. Keep praying as we pursue simplification, clarification, and edification in the way we run the Church. We want to be the very best stewards possible as the Holy Spirit leads.

Please continue to pray one hour a week seeking the presence of Christ and meditating on how the Lord wants us to move forward. It has become clear to us that for the last quarter of a century C3’s DNA has been about Worship, Caring and Serving. Scotty Smith is a remarkable communicator of the Gospel and the response has been to give care to so many of us sinners living by the centrality and power of the Gospel. The resulting service to our community and the world has resulted in new church plants, and not for profit ministries of all kinds to emerge.

Ask the Lord to show you the way the Gospel is impacting your life. Is there real transformation or are we just playing church? Maybe we are looking at Worship as just an event instead of a lifestyle, or our care giving is stunted because we don’t see Jesus’ love and care for us, or we don’t reach out because we don’t see the need or have the time… Any of these deficiencies stunt our growth as disciples and followers of Jesus. My prayer continues for you to wake up and see the opportunities we all have to engage with God as he leads us in Worship, Caring and Serving for His Glory, Amen.
