Dear Table Nation,
The team did a lot of site seeing and at one Cathedral we visited there was a clock which boasted of being the oldest clock still operating with its original parts in the world! Choirs, massive Organs, Cathedrals and Castles were everywhere as we soaked up the British 'Vibe'. It was amazing to stand out on the Scottish Highlands and really feel like it was my homeland! We cannot wait to go back.
Earlier this month, my friend Ken Turner and I were able to minister to several thousand Junior and Senior High School students in South Eastern Tennessee as part of an anti-bullying campaign. I got to share my story of my parent who was both good to me and also traumatized me. I got to sing my song The Old Man and you could have heard a pin drop. Many students today have parents who are angry and do not know how to love their kids well through it. One young lady shared that her father never said anything to her that was positive, it broke our hearts to think of so many children in our culture who are being raised by computer games, television and text messages instead of a face to face and heart to heart parent who shows them the right way to live and demonstrates the Gospel through simply asking their child for forgiveness and loving their kids like Jesus loves all of us!
In Hard Bargain and at the Safe House we are so encouraged by the new Community Center on Mt. Hope Street and all the wonderful folks who made it happen, you guys are the greatest! We are also raking the falling leaves (like everywhere else) and this week Cowboy (my good friend from Green Street) and I spent time collecting leaves from the houses on Glass and from the Hard Bargain garden across the street. When we were finished, he grinned showing his spectacular smile which was made possible by Dr. Grant Hensley who takes care of Tommy's (Cowboy) teeth. We are still hoping to find Tommy full time employment so if you know of a business that could use a hard worker please let us know!
I am working on formalizing The Franklin Table's relationship with the ministries listed below and to better define my role as the ‘Pastor To The City’. Finally you might not know that we missed our budget for September and October but are hopeful we will make it up this month. As the end of the year approaches please think about giving to the work that TFT does to make Middle Tennessee and specifically the City of Franklin and Williamson County a diverse and thriving place for all our citizens especially the poor, and that we can alleviate and even eliminate poverty and injustice as The Lord leads us!
Please continue to pray for... Against The Grain, Barefoot Republic, Empty Hands Fellowship, Feed Franklin First, FrankTown Open Hearts, Graceworks Ministries, High Impact Teen Ministry, Ken Turner Ministries, Jobs For Life, McCann, Hubbard & Solomon, Mercy Children's Clinic, New Hope Academy, R.E.A.L. Christian Foundation, The Samson Society, Shepherding The Next Generation, Stites & Harbison Law Offices, Synago Pastors Fellowship, The Family Dynamics Institute, The Hard Bargain Association, The Red Road, The Timothy Center and Thriftsmart.
[3] tel:%28615-642-7428