I hope today finds you in tune with the Spirit of Christ and wading into the Kingdom. All of us are grateful to the Lord that we are safe and have survived this monumental and catastrophic event. In the weather history of Middle Tennessee our two day rain total of 15" on May 1st and 2nd is a record. What an amazing 48 hours we have endured and we are still counting!
Here in Hard Bargain as well as in many subdivisions throughout our region the water has still been rising all morning. Among the amazing and devastating pictures on TV, there is some good news we are hearing that water is beginning to move out in some places and that is indeed a welcome sight. We all have lots of work to do together to make sure none of us suffers alone. Let’s make the most of this opportunity to serve and love our neighbors. If you want to doante funds or help in any way, visit www.christcommunity.org [2] for more information on how to volunteer.
We have many recovery projects going on and more than several families who need assistance. There are coordinated efforts through our Deacons and Congregational Care groups. As the Lord leads us out of the high water and into the period of drying out, my prayer is we take things slow, making sure we look out for the person next to us, especially the less fortunate. The Church looks most beautiful when she is outside her walls about the Master's business.
Our God is Great and in His omniscience knows all things. The Great Flood of 2010 is no surprise to Him and He is leading us through this trial. Take heart in the Gospel that Jesus loves you even in the midst of loss and so much of what we hold dear. Our prayers are that His Grace and Mercy are sufficient and believe God’s blessings are in the midst of our struggles.
Pray for our friends and neighbors to dry out and start the recovery process.
[1] https://scottroley.com/content/middle-tennessee-flood-2010
[2] http://www.christcommunity.org